राजपत्र अनंकित प्रथम श्रेणी, विविध सेवा, कम्प्यूटर अपरेटर पदकाे प्रतियाेगितात्मक लिखित परीक्षा
1. Format command is used to
a) Prepare a blank disk
b) Create a new blank disk from a used one
c) Both of the above
d) None of the above
2.Function of operating system :-
a) Memory Management
b) Document preparation
c) Web page designing
d) All of the above
3. Full form of MS-DOS is
a) Micro system disk operating system
b) Micro simple Disk Operating system
c) Microsoft Disk Operating System
d) Micro Sort Disk Operating System
4. In windows system, if the displayed system time and date system is wrong you can Reset it using;
a) Write
b) Calendar
c) Card File
d) Control Panel
5. Page formatting which is used frequently in future is saved as ……
a) Master document
b) Theme
c) Cross-reference
d) Template
6. Shortcut key for manual column break in word.
a) Ctrl+Enter
b) Shift +Spacebar
c) Ctrl+Shift+Enter
d) Alt+Enter
7. Ctrl+Shift+D
a) Double paragraph spacing
b) Delete current word
c) Dotted underline
d) Double underline
8. Which of the following is feature of Ms-Word?
a) Drag and Drop
b) Text wrap
c) Find and replace
d) Allof the above
9. ……… increases the readability of text.
a) Save
b) Bullet and numbering
c) Thesaurus
d) Help
10. Which is not the type of indent avilable in MS-Word?
a) Right indent
b) Left Indent
c) Center indent
d) Hanging indent
11. Page numbering is inserted as …..
a) Footnote
b) Endnote
c) Footer
d) None of the above
12. Leader character is associated with ……..
a) Bullet & Numbering
b) Gutter
c) Indent
d) Tab
13. Pressing F8 key ofr three times selects
a) A word
b) A sentence
c) A paragraph
d) Entire document
14. Which of the follwing is graphics solution for word processors?
a) Clipart
b) WordArt
c) Drop Cap
d) All of the aboe
15. Which of the following options is not avilable to remove arrows of Formula Auditing?
a) Remove precedent arrows
b) Remove dependent arrows
c) Remove all arrows
d) Remove all arrows for this cell
16. The minimum and maximum value you can set for Save Auto Recovery info in electronic spreadsheet are :
a) 1 and 120 minutes
b) 0 and 120 minutes
c) 2 and 60 minutes
d) 1 and 10 minutes
17. Formatting a cell in Currency, you can specify
a) Decimal places
b) Currency Symbol
c) Both of above
d) None of the above
18.What term refers to a specific set of values saved with the workbook?
a) Range
b) Scenario
c) Trend line
d) What-if analysis
19. To insert three columns between columns D and E you would
a) Slect column D
b) Select column E
c) Select columns E, F and G
d) Select columns D, E, and F
20. You can add an image to a template by clicking the insert picture From File Buttion on the…….. Toolbar
a) Standard
b) Formatting
c) Drawing
d) Picture
21. Which function will calculate the number of workdays between 6/9/2004 and 8/12/2004?
a) Workday
b) Date
c) Networkdays
d) All of the above
22. Which button do you click to add up a series of numbers?
a) The autosum button
b) The formula buttion
c) The quicktotal button
d) The total button
23. Which command will you choose to convert a column of data into row?
a) Cut and Paste
b) Edit>>Paste Special>>Transose
c) Both of above
d) None of above
24. Which of the following is an example of relative cell address ?
a) B9
b) D$9
c) $F5
d) $M$2
25. …….. is a collection of data stored in a standardized format, designed to be shared by multiple users.
a) Database
b) Record
c) Database Management System
d) Relation
26. The column of a table is referred to as the …..
a) Tuple
b) Attribute
c) Entity
d) Degree
27. A field or group of fields that uniquely identifies every row of a table is ……
a) Primary key
b) Foreign key
c) Hot key
d) Access key
28. Which is the best file organization when data is frequently added or deleted from a file?
a) Sequential
b) Direct
c) Index sequential
d) None of the above
29. ……….. Operator is used to compare a value to a list of literals values that have been specified.
a) Like
b) Compare
c) Between
d) IN
30. WHat is the default extension of PowerPoint presentation?
a) PRn
b) doc
c) Docx
d) Ppt
31. Which key is used to view slide show?
a) F1
b) F2
c) F5
d) F10
32. Which file format can be added to a powerpoint show?
a) .jpg
b) .gif
c) .wav
d) All of the above
33.Full form of HTML is ………
a) Hypertext Markup Language
b) HotMail
c) Hypertext Mail Language
d) All of the above
34. ………… is a standalone tag (i.e. does not have closing tag)
a) <font>
b) <Hr>
c) <B>
d) <Table>
35.To Set the Background color e use:
a) <Body text=”Color”>
b) <Body=”color”>
c) <Body bgcolor=”color”>
d) All of the above
36. Number are stored and transmitted inside a computer in
a) Binary form
b) ASCII code form
c) Decimal form
d) Alphanumeric Form
37. Each IP Packet must contain
a) Only source address
b) Only destination address
c) Source and destination address
d) Source or destination address
38. How many bits are there in the Ethernet address?
a) 64 bits
b) 48 bits
c) 32 bits
d) 16 bits
39. A central computer surrounded by one of more satellite computers is called a
a) Bus network
b) Ring network
c) Star network
d) All of the above
40. The two basic types of record access methods are:
a) Sequential and random
b) Sequential and indexed
c) Direct and immediate
d) Online and real time
41. The least significant bit of the binary number, which is equivalent to any odd decimal number, is:
a) 0
b) 1
c) 1 or 0
d) 3
42. Laptop computers use:
a) CRT Displays
b) LCD Displays
c) SSGA Dispalys
d) None of the previous
43. A hard copy would be prepared on a
a) Line printer
b) Dot matrix printer
c) Typewriter terminal
d) All of the above
44. Fifth generation computer is also known as
a) Knowledge information processing system
b) Ver large scale integration (VLSI)
c) Both of above
d) None of above
45. Reading data is performed in magnetic disk by
a) Read/write heads
b) Sectors
c) Track
d) Lower surface
46. Which of the following is not a type of Software?
a) System Software
b) Application Software
c) Utility Software
d) Entertainment Software
47. An approach that permits the computer to work on several programs instead of one is
a) On-line thesaurs
b) Multiprogramming
c) Overlapped processing
d) Outline processor
48. A hybrid compuer
a) Resembles digital computer
b) Resembles analog computer
c) Resembles both a digital and analog computer
d) None of the above
49. The personal computer industry was stared by
a) IBM
b) Apple
c) Compaq
d) HCL
50. Which is the operating system program?
a) Windows
b) Ms-word
c) Ms-excel
d) Ms-PowerPoint