लोक सेवा आयोग
नेपाल विविध सेवा, राजपत्र अनंकित प्रथम श्रेणी (प्राविधिक), कम्प्युटर अपरेटर/डाटाइन्ट्रि सुपरभाइजर वा सो सरह पदको प्रतियोगितात्मक लिखित परीक्षाको सम्भाव्य उत्तरहरू
Question |
Answer |
1. Bold, Italic, Regular are known as
Font Styles |
2. Keyboard Shortcuts to inserts a column break and start a new column immediately? | Cltr+Shift+Enter |
3. …….combination of keys are used for paste the text | Shift+Insert |
4. The A4 paper width/height is…. | 8.27”X11.69” |
5. In Ms Excel, which of the following is an absolute cell reference? | $A$1 |
6. What function displays row data in a column or column data in a row? | Transpose |
7. In Ms Excel, a function inside another function is a……function | Nested |
8. Which of the following methods cannot be used to enter data in a cell? | Pressing the Esc Key |
9. Which options allows you to bold all the negative values within the selected cell range | Conditional formatting |
10. In excel, by default numeric values appears in | Right aligned |
11. What would be result if you type=A1=B1 in cell C1 | True or False |
12. In Ms Excel, concatenation of text can be done using | Ampersand (&) |
13. In Ms Excel, getting data from a cell located in a different sheet is called | Referencing |
14. Which of the following is not a valid data type in excel | Character |
15. Which of the following is the correct order of keywords for SQL SELECT statements? | SELECT, FROM, WHERE |
16. In MS ACCESS, technique to speed up data retrieval is | Indexing |
17. The technique which define a set of values acceptable for the field is known as | Validation |
18. DDL stands for | Data Definition Language |
19. ….. is a tool to automate tasks and add functionality to your forms, reports and controls | Macros |
20. Which of the following is not an option when printing handouts? | Five slides per page |
21. ….. Refers to the way things are arranged on a slide | Slide layout |
22. What is a motion path? | A method of moving items on a slide |
23. Which of the following HTML tag has an attribute called Frame? | <frameset> |
24. How can you make a bulleted list? | <ul> |
25. How long is an IPv6 | 128 bits |
26. Total number of bits in 1KB is | 8192 bits |
27. What is the size of source and destination, IP address in IP header? | 32 bits |
28. Text within <EM>…</EM> tag displays test in …… format. | Italic |
29. CAD stands for | Computer Aided Design |
30. The memory which is programmed only at the time of manufacture is | ROM |
31. A Computer program that converts program into machinie language all at once | Compiler |
32. The ratio of the horizontal length to the vertical length in monitor is called | Aspect Ratio |
33. Number of bits in Nepali Unicode character is | 32bit |
34. Location where the 1st computer instructions available on boot up is | BIOS |
35. In NIC specification 10/100/1000 refers to | Megabits per seconds |
36. In Electronic Transaction Act of Nepal, the method of digital signature is | Private-public key |
37. Maximum number of hosts on a local subet that uses subnet mask is… | 30 |
38. RS-232 is standard that applies to | Serial ports |
39. Hexadecimal value 20 is equivalent to decimal number | 32 |
40. In computing, what is the process by which a running computer system is restated without the need to interrupt the power? | Warm Boot |
41. The….folder is the default place that most application want to store data files in. | My Documents |
42. …. Tool helps to reduce file access time form disk. | Disk defragmenter |
43. Which is not true for operating system? | Solves users actual problems |
44. … allow(s) us to organize our files so we can more easily find them. | Folders |
45. What is the keyboard shortcut to create copyright symbol © in MS-WORD? | Alt+Ctrl+C |
46. In MS-Word, ‘Cover Page’ option is available in tab | Insert |
47. Keyboard shortcut to insert an equation in MS-Word. | Alt+= |
48. Not an option in printed watermark of MS Word | Logo Watermark |
49. Shortcut key to open the open dialog box in MS-Word is | Ctrl+F12 |
50. What is the maximum number of lines you can set for a drop cap? | 10 |